We Make Sure the Pieces Fit

Barbara Newton

Barbara Newton - Real Estate Broker
Barbara moved to Highlands in the summer of 1996. The area with its lush forests, hiking trails, waterfalls, and wonderful mountain families has been a passion of hers since childhood vacations with her family and summer camp activities at Camp Ton-A-Wanda with neighborhood girlfriends.

Her background includes studies in liberal arts at Emory University in Atlanta and the University of Florida in Gainesville. After much travel throughout Europe and North Africa, she settled back in her hometown of West Palm Beach where she got busy with her three daughters’ activities while teaching English full-time to 6 - 12th grade. Her three daughters are now happily busy working and or raising their own children or pets in Texas, North Carolina, Florida.

After getting started in rentals, she knew her job was developing into a passion for Real Estate. So much so that she started adding listings and buyers for Western North Carolina real estate in 2007. Her interest shifted to a greater task of finding buyers and selling houses.

Office Phone: (828) 526-5587
Office Fax: (828) 526-4281
Mobile: (828) 526-5839
Home: (828) 526-5839

Email Barbara

North Carolina Association of Realtors
Highlands / Cashiers Board of Realtors

Licensed in North Carolina since 1993